
Motions are one of the main instruments of our political work in the Römer. With them, we can change our cityscape in a wide variety of ways. From the expansion of bike paths to free menstrual products at schools, everything is included. For large projects, we usually first pass a review motion to the relevant department so that it can assess the feasibility and costs of a project under the involvement of experts. Taking this review into account, the City Council then makes a final decision. 

In a sustainable city sports fields should be climate-friendly and nature-friendly places. That’s why with this motion (NR.377), we advocate for as

In view of the climate crisis we must use every opportunity to promote renewable energy production. In a city like Frankfurt, which

With this motion (NR.370), the magistrate is instructed to draw up a concept to unseal surfaces. The aim of this concept should

Every day a man in Germany tries to kill his (ex-)partner. Every third day, such a crime actually takes place. In order

With this motion (NR.367), we commission the magistrate to draw up a master plan for the skilled trades in Frankfurt. Employer and

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