No 750 The Frankfurt City Council proposes an assessment of how subway stations in the city can be architecturally and artistically designed following the examples set by Stockholm and Naples. The evaluation should determine which stations and lines are suitable, potential funding options, possible cooperative models for financing, and the execution of a competition, as well as the associated costs. It must also ensure that the accessibility of the subway stations is not compromised, for example by light or sound installations. The redesign aims to transform the subway stations into a kind of decentralized museum, accessible to everyone.
Using subway stations as art galleries

Volt Frankfurt: the political party
Volt Frankfurt is part of Volt Europe, the first party that is the same all over Europe. In Frankfurt, at the heart of Europe, we fight for a progressive, sustainable and united EU. We work according to the motto: Think global, act local.
Nearly one million people live and work in Frankfurt. The challanges we face are shared with over 100 Million people in metropolies all over europe. Volt stands for the urban living of tomorrow, using progressive and pragmatic solutions.
We want to implement concepts that were already proven successful in other european cities. Be it lowering rents like Vienna, cycling like in Copenhagen or digital gouvernment services like Estland: we want to solve Problems, instead of just pushing them to the next election cycle.