
Motions are one of the main instruments of our political work in the Römer. With them, we can change our cityscape in a wide variety of ways. From the expansion of bike paths to free menstrual products at schools, everything is included. For large projects, we usually first pass a review motion to the relevant department so that it can assess the feasibility and costs of a project under the involvement of experts. Taking this review into account, the City Council then makes a final decision. 

In many cities, including Frankfurt, neighbourly encounters occur at a lower rate than in the past. This has a negative impact on

With this motion (NR.294), the City Council condemns Russia’s war of aggression against the Ukraine. We recognise this war breaks international law

With this motion (NR.293), the City Council condemns that in the course of the demonstrations of “Corona deniers” anti-Semitic agitations, Holocaust downplayings

In order for the citizens of Frankfurt to be able to follow the successes of the climate protection measures of the City

In order to combat anti-black racism and deal with the colonial past locally, this motion (NR.283) calls on the magistrate to: –

Since archaeological excavations are taking place on the site “In der Römerstadt 126-134”, which have become of international importance for ancient historical

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