
Motions are one of the main instruments of our political work in the Römer. With them, we can change our cityscape in a wide variety of ways. From the expansion of bike paths to free menstrual products at schools, everything is included. For large projects, we usually first pass a review motion to the relevant department so that it can assess the feasibility and costs of a project under the involvement of experts. Taking this review into account, the City Council then makes a final decision. 

With this proposal (No.662), the city council instructs the magistrate to continue and expand the ongoing tree plantings in the city area

With this proposal (No.664), the city council instructs the magistrate to prefer open standards and free open source software in future software

With this proposal (No.682), based on practical experiences in other cities, the City of Frankfurt initiates the founding of independent BEGs to

Violence in amateur football, including youth football, is a persistent nationwide problem in Germany, with alarming and consequential incidents, including the death

With this proposal (No. 693), the City Council aims to award municipal land via concept tendering processes and achieve a ground lease

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