Regarding the anti-Semitic incidents against the Jewish visitor group at the wholesale market hall, our spokesperson for diversity politics, Elisa Grote, comments as follows:

“The attacks on the Jewish visitor group yesterday shocked us at Volt, as well as me personally. It is particularly painful to me that, of all people, descendants of Holocaust victims are affected by an anti-Semitic attack. We are grateful that the city has responded without hesitation and initiated legal steps. This was exactly the right signal to make it clear to the perpetrators and their sympathizers that such behavior will not go without consequences. In our city, both visitors and residents should feel comfortable and safe, regardless of their origin or beliefs. Anything else is absolutely unacceptable for us.”

Volt Frankfurt: the political party

Volt Frankfurt is part of Volt Europe, the first party that is the same all over Europe. In Frankfurt, at the heart of Europe, we fight for a progressive, sustainable and united EU. We work according to the motto: Think global, act local.

Nearly one million people live and work in Frankfurt. The challanges we face are shared with over 100 Million people in metropolies all over europe. Volt stands for the urban living of tomorrow, using progressive and pragmatic solutions. 

We want to implement concepts that were already proven successful in other european cities. Be it lowering rents like Vienna, cycling like in Copenhagen or digital gouvernment services like Estland: we want to solve Problems, instead of just pushing them to the next election cycle.

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