The city council mandates with this motion (No. 741) an assessment for the establishment of an “Archive for Migration Films” at the German Film Institute & Film Museum (DFF). The objective is to collect and archive films related to migration to Germany, with a particular focus on Frankfurt. This could include private films or film scenes. The feasibility of how citizens and schools can access the films, either digitally or through the Frankfurt History App, will be examined. The archive should have its own independent presentation at the DFF as well as complement exhibitions in other institutions. The establishment of such an archive in Frankfurt is particularly meaningful due to the city’s multicultural population and the existing diversity of film festivals and institutions. An Archive for Migration Films would enrich the cultural memory and provide various perspectives on the theme of migration, which is highly relevant given the diverse challenges and experiences of immigrants in Germany.
Reviewing the possibilities for an ‘Archive of Migration Films’

Volt Frankfurt: the political party
Volt Frankfurt is part of Volt Europe, the first party that is the same all over Europe. In Frankfurt, at the heart of Europe, we fight for a progressive, sustainable and united EU. We work according to the motto: Think global, act local.
Nearly one million people live and work in Frankfurt. The challanges we face are shared with over 100 Million people in metropolies all over europe. Volt stands for the urban living of tomorrow, using progressive and pragmatic solutions.
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