Support Local Retail

This motion (No.584) aims to facilitate the use of parking spaces by local retailers as exhibition areas. The magistrate is first asked to check in which streets this is possible and to coordinate this with the relevant local advisory council. Furthermore, it should be defined under which design guidelines this use will be allowed. In addition, the fee for using these areas should be oriented towards that for outdoor gastronomy.

If parking spaces are eliminated, these can be offered to immediately adjacent retailers. It is also essential to regulate that existing goods displays on the sidewalk must give way if the goods display on the parking space is allowed. Ultimately, the magistrate is instructed to ensure that there is always enough space for pedestrians.

The main goal is to make street life in Frankfurt more attractive by supporting local retail and taking into account the change in shopping behavior due to the Corona pandemic. The success of the project will be evaluated after one year and it will be decided whether it will be continued.

Volt Frankfurt: the political party

Volt Frankfurt is part of Volt Europe, the first party that is the same all over Europe. In Frankfurt, at the heart of Europe, we fight for a progressive, sustainable and united EU. We work according to the motto: Think global, act local.

Nearly one million people live and work in Frankfurt. The challanges we face are shared with over 100 Million people in metropolies all over europe. Volt stands for the urban living of tomorrow, using progressive and pragmatic solutions. 

We want to implement concepts that were already proven successful in other european cities. Be it lowering rents like Vienna, cycling like in Copenhagen or digital gouvernment services like Estland: we want to solve Problems, instead of just pushing them to the next election cycle.

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